Resources A - G
American Stock Exchange
Offers access to stock market and historical data, charts and tools, and developing news and education.
Better Business Bureau
Check on businesses and charities before investing or giving money, and check on any history of complaints.
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Promotes a better understanding of the U.S. economy with timely, relevant information.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Independent national statistical agency offering data on all levels of government.
Bureau of Engraving
Handles currency, passports, Homeland Security materials, military I.D. cards, and immigration certificates.
CNN Financial Center
Latest News on economic markets and financial advice.
Credit Unions Rock
A non-profit association of credit unions.
Currency Converter
Universal currency counter, charts, graphs, and historic economic tables.
Department of Commerce
Government office responsible for the promotion of the nation's economic development and advancement.
Economic Statistics Briefing Room
Provides easy access to current Federal economic indicators.
Economic Links
Resources including statistical information and market sources.
European Central Bank
Information on the economic system of the European continent.
European Union
Includes tourist information , historical and geographic facts, political, and market information.
Federal Reserve
Agency that oversees national banking records, and influences banking decisions and monetary policies.
Federal Reserve Education
Helpful links to educate on the banking and economic policies, and personal finance.
Magazine that looks at current trends in business and the markets.
Government Printing Office
Information on the federal budget and government reports.
Interest Calculators
Check your interest rates on mortgages, CDs, rent, credit cards, and auto loans.
Internal Revenue Service
Division of the Treasury Department responsible for tax collections and refunds.
International Money Fund
International organization of 185 member countries established to promote international monetary cooperation, and exchange stability.
Michigan Council on Economic Education
Links and resources on economic concepts.
Information from the "over the counter" stock exchange.
National Council on Economic Education
Nationwide network that promotes economic literacy for students and teachers.
National Debt Clock
Current information on the U.S. debt.
New York Stock Exchange
Largest stock exchange in the world by dollar volume, and the second largest by companies listed.
Office of Management and Budget
Government office that explains where the money is spent.
Open Secrets
Center for Responsive politics.
Secret Service
Agency that protects national and visiting foreign leaders, conducts criminal investigations, and suppressing counterfeiting of U.S. currency.
Small Business Administration
Site designed to aid small business owners.
USA Spending
See where your money goes.
U.S. Treasury
Information on the American economy, taxes, currency, and personal investing.
World Bank Youthink
Information for the next generation of world leaders on how to impact global issues.
World Clock
Up to the second totals on world opoulation, births, deaths,, oil production, and more!
World Trade Organization
WTO deals with the rules of trade between nations at a global level.
Independent research for an environmentally sustainable and socially just society.
European History
Advanced Placement European History Links
Hundreds of links for information and primary source documents for research and study.
Documents of WWII
Hundreds of documents from the war sorted by year.
European History Sources
University of Washington site sorted by event and country.
Europe Magalisting
Oregon's largest public library has a plethora of information.
European Union
Information on the current conditions in Europe.
Eyewitness to History
Collection of first-hand accounts of events throughout history.
History Sourcebook
Covers European and American history, as well as world cultures.
Medieval Sourcebook
Covers history from the fall of Rome to the age of exploration.
Information on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and its 26 member nations.
Nazi Propaganda
Calvin College's collection covering the years 1933 -1945.
World War I
British site that chronicles the war in detail.
WWI Propaganda
Detailed collection of posters and media from WWI.
Antarctic Connection
Center for news, weather, and information from and about the frozen continent.
Leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy.
Collection of essential graphic lists, statistics, and trivia.
Cousteau Society
Educating people to understand and protect the water systems of the planet.
Department of the Interior
Access point to our natural and cultural heritage.
Earth Observatory
A collection of Earth imagery.
Earth Viewer
Views of Earth and the Moon
Links to ecological issues and the environment.
Energy Efficiency
Government site on renewable energy and efficiency.
Geography Quiz
Test your knowledge of geography.
Challenge others around the world to a battle testing your geographic knowledge.
Global Geography
McDougal Little site on global geography.
Global Issues
Social, political, economic, and environmental issues that affect us.
Independent organization that acts to change attitudes and behaviors toward the environment.
Map Atlas
Infoplease map library.
Michigan Geology
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Most complete collection of space photography.
Outline Maps
Collection of blank and outline maps for school use.
National Geographic
Magazine that covers the world.
National Park Service
Site focused on history and culture.
Volcano World
Outreach project of the North Dakota and Oregon Space Grant Consortia.
World Atlas of Maps
Maps. graphics, and flags from around the world.
World Climate
Check the weather in thousands of locations.
World Geography
Cultural, historical, and statistical information.
U.S. Map Game
how long will it take you to place each state on a map?
Global Affairs
Africa Daily
World new with an emphasis on Africa.
Central Intelligance Agency site with information on all of the nations of the world.
Doctors without Borders
Independent medical humanitarian organization.
European Union
Essential information on Europe.
Foreign Embassies
A listing of foreign embassies in Washington D.C.
Population Connection
Education program advancing action to stabilize the world population.
Population Reference Bureau
Information on world health, population, and environments.
Rx for Survival
A global challenge to save children world-wide.
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
Advocates for the protection of children's rights.
United Nations
A global effort to solve the problems that challenge humanity.
World Bank Data Center
High quality national and international statistics.
World Health Organization
Directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system
American Bar Association
Publication of the United States Information Agency
American Politics
Free and open access to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, maps, and sheet music.
American President
Information on each President and administration
American Rhetoric
Database of 5000+ text, audio, and video versions of speeches, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, and recoded ,media events.
Annenberg Fact Check
Holding politicians accountable by checking the facts behind their words.
Leading source of quality data about the nation.
Center for Disease Control
Online source for credible health information
The world fact book of the Central Intelligence Agency
City of Allen Park
Information on our local government
Civil Rights Locations
Historic places of the civil rights movement
Constitution Center
Independent, non-partisan center dedicated to increasing the understanding and appreciation of our Constitution.
Constitution Day
Resources to celebrate the birthday of our government.
Constitutional Rights Foundation
Dedicated to educating Americans about the importance of civic participation in a democratic society.
Core Democratic Values
Listing of the fundamental beliefs and principles of our government.
Cost of War
National Priorities Project website
Coverage of public affairs events
Department of Commerce
Foster, promote, and develop the foreign and domestic commerce of the United States
Department of Energy
Information on the energy efficiency and renewable resources of our country.
Department of the Interior
The nation's principal conservation agency
Election Atlas
Presidential election data from 1848 to present.
Electoral College
Considers the reasons and history for the College, and its place in history.
Environmental Protection Agency
Efforts focus on the protection of human health and the environment.
Fact Checks
Find out if politicians and their ads are telling the truth.
Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications.
Federal Election Commission
Administers and enforces campaign finance laws.
Federal Judicial Center
Education and research center for the federal courts.
Federal Register
Provides access to official text of federal laws, Presidential documents, and administrative regulations.
Federal Statistics
Anything related to federal tax information.
Government information assembled by topic.
Government Printing Office
Comprhensive information regarding the branches of government.
Homeland Security
Information on the security issues facing the United States.
House of Representatives
The legislative branch and its assorted agencies
Labor Statistics
The principal fact-finding agency for the Federal government in the area of labor economics.
Landmark Court Cases
Helps students explore the key issues in landmark Supreme court cases.
Legislative Information
Information from the Library of Congress
Library of Congress
The largest library in the world, with millions of books, photographs, and manuscripts.
Movie Archives
A collection of unique historic films.
National Security Archive
Declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information act.
Information on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Political Cartoons
An index of work by professional political cartoonists.
Presidential Debates
Established to ensure that debates provide the best possible information to viewers.
Presidential Elections
Maps of the presidential election results going back to 1876.
Presidential Libraries
Archives of documents, artifacts, and information found at the various presidential libraries.
Secret Service
Federal law enforcement agency that protects the President, foreign dignitaries, and our currency against counterfeiting.
Information on the legislative branch and its assorted agencies.
State Department
Information on current foreign policy.
State of Michigan
Award-winning website on our state, covering hundreds of topics
Supreme Court
Site includes information on the court's history, as well as the current docket.
Supreme Court Documents
Oyez, the media arm of the Supreme Court, gives detailed information on cases.
Supreme Court History
Covers the first major television series to explore the history and impact of the nation's highest court.
24th District Court
Website covers the basic information regarding the operation of our local court.
U.S. Treasury
Site covers the operations of the Treasury, and its role to promote stability and prosperity.
War Powers Act
Washington Post site covering the history of Prsidential war powers.
Wayne County
Official site of Michigan's largest county.
White House
Official site of the Executive Branch of our government
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American Stock Exchange
Offers access to stock market and historical data, charts and tools, and developing news and education.
Better Business Bureau
Check on businesses and charities before investing or giving money, and check on any history of complaints.
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Promotes a better understanding of the U.S. economy with timely, relevant information.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Independent national statistical agency offering data on all levels of government.
Bureau of Engraving
Handles currency, passports, Homeland Security materials, military I.D. cards, and immigration certificates.
CNN Financial Center
Latest News on economic markets and financial advice.
Credit Unions Rock
A non-profit association of credit unions.
Currency Converter
Universal currency counter, charts, graphs, and historic economic tables.
Department of Commerce
Government office responsible for the promotion of the nation's economic development and advancement.
Economic Statistics Briefing Room
Provides easy access to current Federal economic indicators.
Economic Links
Resources including statistical information and market sources.
European Central Bank
Information on the economic system of the European continent.
European Union
Includes tourist information , historical and geographic facts, political, and market information.
Federal Reserve
Agency that oversees national banking records, and influences banking decisions and monetary policies.
Federal Reserve Education
Helpful links to educate on the banking and economic policies, and personal finance.
Magazine that looks at current trends in business and the markets.
Government Printing Office
Information on the federal budget and government reports.
Interest Calculators
Check your interest rates on mortgages, CDs, rent, credit cards, and auto loans.
Internal Revenue Service
Division of the Treasury Department responsible for tax collections and refunds.
International Money Fund
International organization of 185 member countries established to promote international monetary cooperation, and exchange stability.
Michigan Council on Economic Education
Links and resources on economic concepts.
Information from the "over the counter" stock exchange.
National Council on Economic Education
Nationwide network that promotes economic literacy for students and teachers.
National Debt Clock
Current information on the U.S. debt.
New York Stock Exchange
Largest stock exchange in the world by dollar volume, and the second largest by companies listed.
Office of Management and Budget
Government office that explains where the money is spent.
Open Secrets
Center for Responsive politics.
Secret Service
Agency that protects national and visiting foreign leaders, conducts criminal investigations, and suppressing counterfeiting of U.S. currency.
Small Business Administration
Site designed to aid small business owners.
USA Spending
See where your money goes.
U.S. Treasury
Information on the American economy, taxes, currency, and personal investing.
World Bank Youthink
Information for the next generation of world leaders on how to impact global issues.
World Clock
Up to the second totals on world opoulation, births, deaths,, oil production, and more!
World Trade Organization
WTO deals with the rules of trade between nations at a global level.
Independent research for an environmentally sustainable and socially just society.
European History
Advanced Placement European History Links
Hundreds of links for information and primary source documents for research and study.
Documents of WWII
Hundreds of documents from the war sorted by year.
European History Sources
University of Washington site sorted by event and country.
Europe Magalisting
Oregon's largest public library has a plethora of information.
European Union
Information on the current conditions in Europe.
Eyewitness to History
Collection of first-hand accounts of events throughout history.
History Sourcebook
Covers European and American history, as well as world cultures.
Medieval Sourcebook
Covers history from the fall of Rome to the age of exploration.
Information on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and its 26 member nations.
Nazi Propaganda
Calvin College's collection covering the years 1933 -1945.
World War I
British site that chronicles the war in detail.
WWI Propaganda
Detailed collection of posters and media from WWI.
Antarctic Connection
Center for news, weather, and information from and about the frozen continent.
Leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy.
Collection of essential graphic lists, statistics, and trivia.
Cousteau Society
Educating people to understand and protect the water systems of the planet.
Department of the Interior
Access point to our natural and cultural heritage.
Earth Observatory
A collection of Earth imagery.
Earth Viewer
Views of Earth and the Moon
Links to ecological issues and the environment.
Energy Efficiency
Government site on renewable energy and efficiency.
Geography Quiz
Test your knowledge of geography.
Challenge others around the world to a battle testing your geographic knowledge.
Global Geography
McDougal Little site on global geography.
Global Issues
Social, political, economic, and environmental issues that affect us.
Independent organization that acts to change attitudes and behaviors toward the environment.
Map Atlas
Infoplease map library.
Michigan Geology
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Most complete collection of space photography.
Outline Maps
Collection of blank and outline maps for school use.
National Geographic
Magazine that covers the world.
National Park Service
Site focused on history and culture.
Volcano World
Outreach project of the North Dakota and Oregon Space Grant Consortia.
World Atlas of Maps
Maps. graphics, and flags from around the world.
World Climate
Check the weather in thousands of locations.
World Geography
Cultural, historical, and statistical information.
U.S. Map Game
how long will it take you to place each state on a map?
Global Affairs
Africa Daily
World new with an emphasis on Africa.
Central Intelligance Agency site with information on all of the nations of the world.
Doctors without Borders
Independent medical humanitarian organization.
European Union
Essential information on Europe.
Foreign Embassies
A listing of foreign embassies in Washington D.C.
Population Connection
Education program advancing action to stabilize the world population.
Population Reference Bureau
Information on world health, population, and environments.
Rx for Survival
A global challenge to save children world-wide.
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
Advocates for the protection of children's rights.
United Nations
A global effort to solve the problems that challenge humanity.
World Bank Data Center
High quality national and international statistics.
World Health Organization
Directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system
American Bar Association
Publication of the United States Information Agency
American Politics
Free and open access to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, maps, and sheet music.
American President
Information on each President and administration
American Rhetoric
Database of 5000+ text, audio, and video versions of speeches, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, and recoded ,media events.
Annenberg Fact Check
Holding politicians accountable by checking the facts behind their words.
Leading source of quality data about the nation.
Center for Disease Control
Online source for credible health information
The world fact book of the Central Intelligence Agency
City of Allen Park
Information on our local government
Civil Rights Locations
Historic places of the civil rights movement
Constitution Center
Independent, non-partisan center dedicated to increasing the understanding and appreciation of our Constitution.
Constitution Day
Resources to celebrate the birthday of our government.
Constitutional Rights Foundation
Dedicated to educating Americans about the importance of civic participation in a democratic society.
Core Democratic Values
Listing of the fundamental beliefs and principles of our government.
Cost of War
National Priorities Project website
Coverage of public affairs events
Department of Commerce
Foster, promote, and develop the foreign and domestic commerce of the United States
Department of Energy
Information on the energy efficiency and renewable resources of our country.
Department of the Interior
The nation's principal conservation agency
Election Atlas
Presidential election data from 1848 to present.
Electoral College
Considers the reasons and history for the College, and its place in history.
Environmental Protection Agency
Efforts focus on the protection of human health and the environment.
Fact Checks
Find out if politicians and their ads are telling the truth.
Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications.
Federal Election Commission
Administers and enforces campaign finance laws.
Federal Judicial Center
Education and research center for the federal courts.
Federal Register
Provides access to official text of federal laws, Presidential documents, and administrative regulations.
Federal Statistics
Anything related to federal tax information.
Government information assembled by topic.
Government Printing Office
Comprhensive information regarding the branches of government.
Homeland Security
Information on the security issues facing the United States.
House of Representatives
The legislative branch and its assorted agencies
Labor Statistics
The principal fact-finding agency for the Federal government in the area of labor economics.
Landmark Court Cases
Helps students explore the key issues in landmark Supreme court cases.
Legislative Information
Information from the Library of Congress
Library of Congress
The largest library in the world, with millions of books, photographs, and manuscripts.
Movie Archives
A collection of unique historic films.
National Security Archive
Declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information act.
Information on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Political Cartoons
An index of work by professional political cartoonists.
Presidential Debates
Established to ensure that debates provide the best possible information to viewers.
Presidential Elections
Maps of the presidential election results going back to 1876.
Presidential Libraries
Archives of documents, artifacts, and information found at the various presidential libraries.
Secret Service
Federal law enforcement agency that protects the President, foreign dignitaries, and our currency against counterfeiting.
Information on the legislative branch and its assorted agencies.
State Department
Information on current foreign policy.
State of Michigan
Award-winning website on our state, covering hundreds of topics
Supreme Court
Site includes information on the court's history, as well as the current docket.
Supreme Court Documents
Oyez, the media arm of the Supreme Court, gives detailed information on cases.
Supreme Court History
Covers the first major television series to explore the history and impact of the nation's highest court.
24th District Court
Website covers the basic information regarding the operation of our local court.
U.S. Treasury
Site covers the operations of the Treasury, and its role to promote stability and prosperity.
War Powers Act
Washington Post site covering the history of Prsidential war powers.
Wayne County
Official site of Michigan's largest county.
White House
Official site of the Executive Branch of our government
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